Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vintage Repurposed...Why I Love "Real Simple"

I just finished reading the current issue of Real Simple magazine, and, as usual, I have multiple dog-eared pages. Recipes I want to go back to, useful looking websites, helpful tips...all of these are the norm. But this month's issue also contains holiday recipes that look divine, a holiday gift guide (which I love in any magazine, but especially Real Simple!) and ideas for homemade gifts...DIY presents! What fun! Some of the DIY ideas were easier than others, but the one that really caught my attention was the Sugar-Bowl Candles project.

Image from Real Simple November 2009

It's simple enough. Just find some thrift-shop sugar bowls, buy soy candle wax, and follow the directions for making candles. And this simple project repurposes something lovely and makes it into a real one-of-a-kind gift. Orphaned sugar bowls are unlikely to be of much use to most people...unless you happen to find the one that matches and/or completes your vintage tea set. Not likely!

Keep in mind, too, that this is a versatile project. They show it with sugar bowls as an example...but you could just as easily apply it to orphaned creamers, or tea cups, or even tea pots! I frequently see lovely tea cups in thrift stores and antique shops and wish that there were at least 2 in the same pattern available so I could justify buying them. But now, here's a great use for all those times when you find just one!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Love the idea. A friend just bought me a teacup candle (from Anthropologie - which I'm sure was more expensive than making one homemade). Such a cute idea :) I LOVE Real Simple too - they ROCK!
